Diba restaurant's stretch canvas canopy shaped like a sail in 2024

Restaurant stretch canvas roof is a form of roof with special architecture. In addition to covering the dining space, this type helps increase the aesthetics of the restaurant.


Diba restaurant's tarpaulin roof is stretched in the shape of a sail

Diba restaurant's stretch canvas roof has a special architecture. Besides covering the dining space, this type helps increase the aesthetics of the restaurant.

Nhìn tổng quan toàn bộ khu vức mái che bạt căng nhà hàng Diba từ trên cao
Overview of the entire tarpaulin-covered area of Diba restaurant from above
Photo: Internet

Why is it necessary to choose a roof with a unique shape for the restaurant?

Diba restaurant's stretch canvas roof is a form of roof with a special architecture. In addition to covering the dining space, this type helps increase the aesthetics of the restaurant.

Không gian dưới mái che bạt căng nhà hàng Diba
The space under the tarpaulin roof of Diba restaurant
Photo: Internet

Advantages of restaurant stretch canvas roofing

Restaurant stretch canvas roof is a form of roof with special architecture. In addition to covering the dining space, this type helps increase the aesthetics of the restaurant.

Chi tiết nối mái che bạt căng nhà hàng Diba
Detail connecting the stretch canvas roof of Diba restaurant
Photo: Internet

Revealing the restaurant's stretch tarpaulin roof construction unit

Restaurant stretch canvas roof is a form of roof with special architecture. In addition to covering the dining space, this type helps increase the aesthetics of the restaurant.

Hiệu ứng bắt mắt, lung linh khi bàn đêm buông của mái che bạt căng nhà hàng Diba mang lại
Diba restaurant's stretch canvas roof brings an eye-catching, shimmering effect when night falls
Photo: Internet

FlexiiForm Proud to be one of the leading units in Vietnam providing stretch canvas design and construction solutions. The predecessor comes from the company FasTech, FlexiiForm team brings together experts with over 10 years of experience in the industry and a team of consulting solutions according to requirements for a variety of models and projects at home and abroad. Contact FlexiiForm consulting or visit Fanpage FlexiiForm and Website to learn more about service and product information.

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