Stretch cable roof/stand canopy – unique roofing product for open spaces in 2024

The tension cable roof uses an over-span structure, making the space more airy and more oriented towards nature.


Basic structure of a tension cable roof system - grandstand roof

Tensile cable roof/ Covered stands is a roofing system that uses basic stretch canvas structures such as: horizontal roof shape (hypar), conical roof shape (conical), round roof shape (vaulted).

The load-bearing structural frame is supported by metal tension cables, which will replace the fixed iron support structure for load-bearing components such as masts or arms. steady. Typically easy to recognize in inclined columns, hanging roof systems or flying mast systems.

Cable roof of Klang plaza reception hall | Photo: Flexiiform

Tensile cable roof / Grandstand canopy with cable support for lever arms

In systems grandstand roof has a flying mast structure. To ensure that the mast stays fixed at high altitude, it requires a lot of arms distributed in all directions. This will cost a lot of material costs instead of using a mast. usually against the ground.

Therefore, to solve this problem, cables are replaced to create tension in many directions. The reaction force at the base of the column is generated against the downward force at the top of the column due to the tension of the canvas. At this point, the function of the cables is no different from real lever arms.

Mẫu mái cáp căng/ Mái che khán đài Kayson Office Building Roof Garden | Photo: Diba Group
Tensile cable roof model / Stand canopy Kayson Office Building Roof Garden | Photo: Diba Group

Tension cable machine with column support cable form

With some sail canopy systems with large areas, the tension force acting on the boundary column positions is very large, so these column systems need to have a very solid foundation. This will cause many difficulties during the design and construction process.

Therefore, to streamline the process, the architects relied on the principle of force distribution according to the vector angle. The support column for the tension cable roof system is divided into a system of 3 tilted columns according to the 3-Leg Tripod principle and has an appropriately calculated rotation angle. At this time, the two tilting columns with the function of supporting forces will be replaced by tensioned cables, helping to significantly reduce material costs.

Mái cáp căng sảnh đón Fisher and Appliances | Photo: Flexiiform
Cable roof to welcome Fisher and Appliances | Photo: Flexiiform

Special notes when designing a tensioned cable roof/stand canopy

Most of the cables will support the load-bearing frame for the main grandstand roof system. Therefore, factors affecting tension or load acting on the roof need to be carefully considered and calculated. For example, the impact of wind, depending on the region in our country, there will be 2 or 4 different wind seasons in different directions or in some northern provinces there will be additional snow loads.

Mái cáp căng giếng trời Unico consumer office | Photo: Flexiiform
Skylight stretch cable roof Unico consumer office | Photo: Flexiiform

Because of the nature of the cables, they can only withstand tensile forces in the stretch canvas roof system, while the arms or iron columns can withstand tensile and compressive forces. So to be able to insert tension cables into this roof system, the architect needs to carefully and accurately calculate the force vector directions and force vector placement points to balance the forces distributed from the tension canvas to help the roof system be stable. steadiness.

Mái cáp căng sảnh đón Klang plaza | Photo: Flexiiform
Cable roof of Klang plaza reception hall | Photo: Flexiiform

FlexiiForm Proud to be one of the leading units in Vietnam providing stretch canvas design and construction solutions. The predecessor comes from the company FasTech, FlexiiForm team brings together experts with over 10 years of experience in the industry and a team of consulting solutions according to requirements for a variety of models and projects at home and abroad. Contact FlexiiForm consulting or visit Fanpage FlexiiForm and Website to learn more about service and product information.

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