Top 3 most beautiful Geodesic Dome projects in the world

Geodesic dome, also known as geodesic dome, or spherical dome, plays a very special role in the history of architecture. Since ancient times, there have been many beautiful buildings around the world with dome architecture, such as Persian, Greek, Roman or Arabic Architecture. Today, Flexiiform would like to invite you to admire the top 3 Geodesic Dome projects that are considered the most beautiful in the world.


1. Geodesic Dome – Montreal Biosphere Museum (Quebec, Canada)

Within the framework of the 1967 World's Fair taking place in Montreal, Canada, the US government commissioned genius inventor, engineer and architect Richard Buckminster Fuller to design the US pavilion. Richard Buckminster Fuller was also the creator geodesic dome with many applications to this day.

Steel frame of geodesic dome was originally covered with a layer of transparent acrylic, making the structure look like a giant sparkling jewel. Architect Fuller's original plan was to dismantle the frame system after the exhibition, but due to budgetary reasons, the building was still kept and the joints were no longer bolted but began to be welded together with together.

An accident occurred in 1976 when workers maintaining weld joints caused the acrylic layer to catch fire. The whole building burned like a giant fireball for about 30 minutes and then the government decided to close this place for 15 years.

In June 1991, geodesic dome reborn from the ashes and become a museum dedicated to environmental activities. This time, the building did not have acrylic paint on the outside, due to the cost of keeping the giant dome warm and also to prevent similar accidents in the future. However, the Biosphere museum encountered another disaster in 1998 when a super snowstorm hit, forcing it to close for five months for repairs.

Currently, the Montreal Biosphere museum has become a symbol of the area and attracts many visitors every year. Despite the disaster from fire and snow, geodesic dome by architect Fuller still exists sustainably over time and is a typical example of the solid and beautiful structure of a geodesic dome.

Geodesic Dome - Bảo tàng Montreal Biosphere (Quebec, Canada)
Geodesic Dome – Montreal Biosphere Museum (Quebec, Canada)

2. Geodesic Dome – Eden botanical garden project (Cornwall, England)

The Eden botanical garden project belongs to Eden Park, located in a valley on the edge of St. Austell, Cornwall, England. This place is considered the world's largest botanical garden and greenhouse, possessing humanity's natural heritage, with typical biomes around the globe.

Located along the winding, flower-filled roads are architectural greenhouses geodesic dome Unique, covered with ETFE tarpaulin. 2 layers of ETFE canvas are pressed and inflated with air inside, helping the greenhouse to insulate very effectively. In addition, ETFE also has the ability to penetrate light like glass, combined with anti-fouling and self-cleaning features when it rains, making the Eden Project's greenhouse area both beautiful and convenient, effective and safe. full.

If you are a nature lover and like to explore, the Eden Botanical Garden Project is a place not to be missed in your life.

Geodesic Dome - Dự án vườn thực vật Eden (Cornwall, nước Anh)
Geodesic Dome – Eden botanical garden project (Cornwall, England)

3. Desert Dome (Nebraska, USA)

Construction geodesic dome in Omaha, Nebraska, USA contains an entire desert inside and was recognized by Guinness World Records in 2009 as the largest indoor desert in the world.

Desert Dome officially opened in April 2002 at a construction cost of US$31.5 million. Similar to the purpose of the Eden Project, Desert Dome is home to the world's most diverse desert flora and fauna, coming from the Namid Desert of South America, the Sonora Desert of Mexico and the Red Desert of Australia. .

With an area of up to 25,603 m2, Desert Dome is not only one of the largest indoor deserts in the world, but geodesic dome of this place is also the largest acrylic geodesic dome in the world. The dome is 42m high and 70m in diameter with 1,760 triangles. These cells have different light penetration levels with the purpose of creating shade in the summer and increasing natural light in the winter for maximum energy savings.

Desert Dome (Nebraska, Mỹ)
Desert Dome (Nebraska, USA)

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